Older Semesters
Spring 2019
Week of: April 29-May 3
Student Spotlight
Zainub Hussaini
Meet Zainub Hussaini, health, society and policy major and member of the class of 2019! She will be speaking at the undergraduate convocation ceremony on May 3. "I was born in Chicago, raised in Seattle, and now graduating in Salt Lake City! When I first began at the U, I was determined to study biomedical engineering. However, I found my passion in the College of Social and Behavioral Science. I will be receiving my degree from the University of Utah in health, society, and policy with a minor in sociology. My interest in community health started to grow after conducting research with Akiko Kamimura, associate professor of sociology. Our research study pertained to the shortage of primary care providers and how volunteering in a free clinic setting impacts physician assistant students’ inclination to pursue this direction. After I graduate, I hope to pursue and master’s degree in public health and healthcare administration. And, congrats to the class of 2019!"
Best of luck to Zainub and all of our graduates!
Graduation Week is Here!
All are welcome to attend the ceremonies. Can't make it? Convocations will be streamed live! Click the button below to access the links.
CSBS Graduate Convocation
Thursday, May 2 | 11 AM | Kingsbury Hall
Graduating students should arrive by 10:15 AM
University Commencement
Thursday, May 2 | 6:30 PM | Huntsman Center
Graduating students should arrive by 5 PM
CSBS Undergraduate Convocation
Friday, May 3 | 9 AM | Hunstman Center
Graduating students should arrive by 8:15 AM
Hate Incident Report System (HIRS) App
Thanks to Emily Nicolosi, geography Ph.D. candidate, and Richard Medina, assistant professor of geography, there is now an app for people to log incidents of hate.
It aims to bridge the gap between what people witness and what gets reported to police and, later, the FBI, which releases an annual report on hate crimes.
Users can submit reports anonymously or with contact information in case follow up is needed.
The app launched in the Google Play store earlier this month and will be in the Apple App Store soon.
Rigged Economy with Dean Baker
Applications due TUESDAY!
This seminar is open to undergrads, master's and Ph.D. students from any major! It will examine the economic forces and policies that have led to an increase in inequality over the last four decades.
Guest instructor Dean Baker has worked as a consultant for the World Bank and served on the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.
Seats are limited so students must apply to receive a permission code.
Popular Links
Student Spotlight
Lace Padilla
Meet Lace Padilla! She recently finished her Ph.D. in Psychology's Cognition and Neural
Science Program and will be speaking at the graduate convocation ceremony on May 2.
"As a Latina and Native American woman from rural Colorado with dyslexia, I never
believed that I could become a scientist. At the U, I received amazing mentorship
from advisors Sarah Creem-Regehr, Jeanine Stefanucci, and William Thompson, who helped
me attain a Ph.D., an NSF-postdoctoral award, and tenure-track assistant faculty offers.
I was able to find a path in academia because individuals took a personal interest
in my academic growth and helped me build the courage to pursue my dreams. My time
at the U is a testament to outstanding mentorship from numerous faculty across the
Psychology and Computer Science departments. I look forward to mentoring students
with the same personal investment and care that helped me see my potential." Best
of luck to Lace and all of our graduates!
Congratulations to the winners of CSBS Student Research!
Thanks to all who presented and attended last week! There was a record number of posters, and the competition was fierce.
1st place: Rene Gilfillan, psychology
2nd place: Jennifer Isenhour, psychology
3rd place (group): Tamara Calzado Real, Logan McGlamery, Claire Smith, economics
1st place: Kasey Cole, anthropology
2nd place (tie): Jaydee Dolinar, Peter Yaworsky, anthropology
3rd place: Andrew Kennedy, geography
Student Choice Award
Aydin Tasevac, psychology
Department Participation Award
2019 CSBS Student Research Day
Graduation is next week!
CSBS Graduate Convocation
Thursday, May 2 | 11 AM | Kingsbury Hall
Graduating students should arrive by 10:15 AM
University Commencement
Thursday, May 2 | 6:30 PM | Huntsman Center
Graduating students should arrive by 5 PM
CSBS Undergraduate Convocation
Friday, May 3 | 9 AM | Hunstman Center
Graduating students should arrive by 8:15 AM
All are welcome to attend the ceremonies. For more information visit our website.
Lavender Graduation
Wednesday, May 1 | 4-6 PM
Union Theater
Lavender Graduation is an annual ceremony conducted on numerous campuses to honor graduating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual students.At the University of Utah, Lavender Graduation is traditionally held the week of general commencement to acknowledge LGBTQIA* student achievements and contributions to the University of Utah. Students graduating in May, August, or December of 2019 (undergraduate and graduate), are invited to take part in the celebration.
Register by April 22!
More info about Lavender Graduation
Rigged Economy with Dean Baker
This seminar is open to undergrads, master's and Ph.D. students from any major! It will examine the economic forces and policies that have led to an increase in inequality over the last four decades. Guest instructor Dean Baker has worked as a consultant for the World Bank and served on the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.
Seats are limited so students must apply to receive a permission code. Applications are due April 30!
Popular Links
Week of: April 15-19
Student Spotlight
Vanessa Bailey
Meet Vanessa Bailey, geography Ph.D. candidate! "Originally from Wisconsin, I grew up with my older sister and younger brother in a rural area, where my parents own a small concrete and masonry business. I received my Bachelor's in Geography from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh before moving to Utah for graduate school. I just finished my Master's degree and am staying at the U to pursue my PhD, both in Geography. I am particularly interested in ecosystem response to climate change and examine these relationships through vegetation modeling. In my free time, you will find me hiking, reading, cooking, drawing, or catching up with friends."
CSBS Student Research Day is tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 16 | 12-3 PM
Gardner Commons, Third Floor
Awards Ceremony will be held shortly after 3 PM in GC 2660
We're so looking forward to seeing all the research our students have been involved with this year!
If you're presenting, good luck! Email if you have any last minute questions.
Not presenting? Come support your fellow students! Vote for your favorite poster* and get some lunch.
*The Student Choice Award will be given to the presenter with the most votes from their peers. The power is in your hands!
2019 CSBS Student Research Day
Rigged Economy with Dean Baker
This seminar is open to undergrads, master's and Ph.D. students from any major! It will examine the economic forces and policies that have led to an increase in inequality over the last four decades.
Guest instructor Dean Baker has worked as a consultant for the World Bank and served on the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.
Seats are limited so students must apply to receive a permission code. Applications are due April 30!
Lavender Graduation
Wednesday, May 1 | 4-6 PM
Union Theater
Lavender Graduation is an annual ceremony conducted on numerous campuses to honor graduating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual students.
At the University of Utah, Lavender Graduation is traditionally held the week of general commencement to acknowledge LGBTQIA* student achievements and contributions to the University of Utah.
Students graduating in May, August, or December of 2019 (undergraduate and graduate), are invited to take part in the celebration.
Register by April 22!
More info about Lavender Graduation
Field Work: Aligning Poetry & Science
Native Sustenance
Thursday, April 18 | 7 PM
Marmalade Branch, Salt Lake City Public Library
In addition to a poetry reading, participants will learn about the unique work of each presenter.
- Cynthia Wilson, traditional foods program expert from Utah Diné Bikéyah
- Orlando White, poet and professor at Diné College
- Lisbeth Louderback, curator of archaeology at The Natural History Museum of Utah and professor of anthropology
Popular Links
Week of: April 8-12
Student Spotlight
Miriam Galecki
Meet Miriam Galecki! She’s a junior pursuing bachelor degrees in mathematics, business, and economics. Both her mathematics and economics majors have an emphasis in statistics while the business degree is focused in Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations (QAMO). She has had internships with the Department of Math analyzing barrier islands for oil development, U Health analyzing market expansion/utilization opportunities, and her favorite internship was working with the U of U football team analyzing personal tracking devices’ data to create a coach’s tool for predicting athlete strain in future practices.
Miriam grew up in a rural community and attended an international boarding school. She is also a world class Taekwondo athlete and has been a member of the US National Team. She has had the opportunity to travel the world to compete.
Degrees to Everywhere
Thursday, April 11 | 12:30-1:30 PM | GC 2950
Join us as three young alums discuss how their degree inspired their journey to success.
Free food and a chance to network immediately following the event!
Lindsay Hadley
BS Sociology
Founder/CEO Hadley Impact Consulting
Tanya Vea
BA Sociology; BA Mass Communications
Exec. VP, News & Cross Platform Development
KSL 5 TV & KSL NewsRadio
Jason Ware
BS Economics
Chief Investment Officer, Chief Economist & Partner
Albion Financial Group
Earth Week
April 9-13
Celebrate initiatives to achieve social equity, economic prosperity, and ecological integrity by participating in the University of Utah’s Earth Week activities.
Hosted by the Sustainability Office and ASUU Sustainability Board, with support from other student organizations.
Remember to drop off your poster!
If you applied to present at Student Research Day, drop off your poster to the CSBS Dean's Office by 5 PM on Friday.
Pivot: Supporting the Research & Scholarly Community on Campus
Pivot is a new database that includes
- Funding Opportunities
- Directory of Researchers and their Profiles
- Publishing Opportunities
Available to all U of U students, faculty and staff.
Popular Links
Week of: April 1-5
Student Spotlight
Kristianna Radley
Meet Kristianna Radley, psychology major and Solutions Scholar! "I am a second-year student working towards a bachelor’s in psychology, a business minor, and a human factors certificate. I am driven to work hard in everything I do. I love problem solving and have a passion for helping others. I hope to become a human factors engineer when I graduate. In this profession, I will work with teams to solve engineering problems and create good consumer interactions with products. I also hope to be an advocate of sustain practices in the business environment. I love making friends and working in team environments. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn and tackle problems within our community through this program."
April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
SAAM is a chance to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate our community on how to prevent it. Please follow @uofuwellness on Instagram and check out the hashtag #UofUSAAM to learn more about the resources and support services the University of Utah provides for sexual assault survivors.
Bagels with Berg
Wednesday, April 3 | 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Gardner Commons | Second Floor, North Lobby
Dean Cindy Berg wants to hear from you! Share your experiences of what it is like to be a student in the college and how we can make that experience the best for all of you. Plus free bagels and schmear!
Last Day to Apply!
Grad students, today is the last day to apply for CSBS fellowships. Be sure to wrap up your application before 11:59 PM tonight!
References have until April 8 to submit their letters, but it is YOUR responsibility to make sure they are submitted. You cannot see the letter but will be able to tell if it was received.
Undergraduate deadline has passed. Consider applying next year!
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Addiction and its Stigmas
Thursday, April 4 | 2:30 PM
Marriott Library, Gould Auditorium
Join us for a panel dialogue on addiction and its stigmas. Fight the addiction, not people with addiction.
Sponsored by Honors College Praxis Lab | Addictions: 'Crack'-ing Open the Myths and Recover at the U.
CSBS Student Research Day
Tuesday, April 16 | 12-3 PM
Gardner Commons, Third Floor
Both graduate and undergraduate students in the college will be given the opportunity to showcase original research projects using poster presentations, and family and friends are encouraged to attend as well. A panel of faculty judges will evaluate the projects.
Three cash prizes will be awarded for best posters in each of the graduate research and undergraduate research categories. The Student Choice Award will be given out to the student whose poster receives the most votes during the main exhibition period.
First Prize: $250
Second Prize: $150
Third Prize: $100
Student Choice Award: $100
Popular Links
Week of: March 25-29
Student Spotlight
Kenneth Blake Vernon
Meet Kenneth Blake Vernon, anthropology doctoral student! "While the University is situated far from my home in the Arkansas River Valley, I consider myself lucky that the circuitous route of my life has led me here. In the U's Department of Anthropology, the lights are always on. I mean, the people here are deeply committed to what they do. They love their research, and it's infectious. You can see the effect in the caliber of students they produce. Everyday I feel nothing but gratitude for having the opportunity to work with the outstanding faculty and students of this world class department."
Society, Water & Climate March Luncheon
Thursday, March 28 | 12:25-1:45 PM
Gardner Commons | Eccles Auditorium (Room 2950)
“Prehistoric Climate, Land Use, and Social Change in Southeastern Utah”
Brian Codding | Associate Professor, Anthropology
“Influence of Landscape Legacies on Riparian Plant Communities in a Changing Environment”
Jennifer Shah, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor ENVST / Research Assistant Professor Geography
Sponsored by NEXUS, SWC, & GCSC
Nonacademic Career Options for Ph.D. Students
Wednesday, March 27 | 5-7 PM
Gardner Commons | Eccles Auditorium (Room 2900)
Former CSBS Ph.D. students will share their non-academic career position experiences.
Food and refreshments provided after event
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Jayme Day | Sociology | Research Scientist, New York City Dept. of Social Services
Dr. Ted Coxworth | Anthropology | Senior Director of Analytics, Progrexion
Dr. Komson Chanprapan | Economics | Senior Machine Learning Scientist at
Dr. Michael Geuss | Psychology | Human Research and Engineering Directorate, US Army
Research Lab
Dr. Jennifer Seelig | Political Science | Director of Community Empowerment, Salt
Lake City Mayor’s Office
Tips and Resources:
Cathy Tingstrom | Graduate Career Coach, University Career & Professional Development Center
Week Against Prisons
March 25-29, 2019
Join Students Against Mass Incarceration in Week Against Prisons for events discussing mass incaceration, the prison-industrial system, and prisons themself specifically in the United States criminal justice.
We will be discussing current conditions and explore what actions we can take now to build for a better and more just future.
Featured Scholarship
Martin Harris Hiatt Endowed Fellowship
For all grad students in CSBS! No other criteria.
This scholarship was established in 1991 with a gift by the estate of Martin H. Hiatt. More info about the Martin Harris Hiatt Endowed Fellowship. Filter for "College of Social and Behavioral Science".
Undergraduate Deadline has passed. Consider applying next year!
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1. ONE WEEK AWAY!
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
CSBS Student Research Day
Tuesday, April 16 | 12-3 PM
Gardner Commons, Third Floor
Both graduate and undergraduate students in the college will be given the opportunity to showcase original research projects using poster presentations, and family and friends are encouraged to attend as well. A panel of faculty judges will evaluate the projects.
Three cash prizes will be awarded for best posters in each of the graduate research and undergraduate research categories. The Student Choice Award will be given out to the student whose poster receives the most votes during the main exhibition period.
First Prize: $250
Second Prize: $150
Third Prize: $100
Student Choice Award: $100
Popular Links
Week of: March 18-22
Student Spotlight
Leota Coyne
Meet Leota Coyne, triple major in environmental and sustainability studies, geography, and urban ecology. She was recently awarded the Chevron Foundation-Undergraduate Research Scholarship by UROP!
"Receiving the Chevron Foundation scholarship for the summer 2019 semester allows me to continue my research on the collapse of ancient civilizations in Ethiopia. Working with Professor Power from the Natural History Museum and Department of Geography for a third semester, we are focusing on sedimentary evidence of long-term impacts from the rise and fall of the Aksumite Empire in northern Ethiopia and Eritrea. My research focuses on ~3000-year long sediment sequence, including changes in soil organic content and soil minerals, that captures the rise and fall of the Aksumite period. I hope to provide evidence of landscape legacies from the intensification of dry-land agriculture and burning practices recorded in soils through time. I hope this Chevron Foundation scholarship will allow me to provide additional insight on what happened to the Aksumite and, more importantly, what broader lessons can we learn from the rise and fall of past human societies."
Nonacademic Career Options for Ph.D. Students
Wednesday, March 27 | 5-7 PM
Gardner Commons | Eccles Auditorium (Room 2900)
Former CSBS Ph.D. students will share their non-academic career position experiences.
Food and refreshments provided after event
Guest Speakers:
Dr. Jayme Day | Sociology | Research Scientist, New York City Dept. of Social Services
Dr. Ted Coxworth | Anthropology | Senior Director of Analytics, Progrexion
Dr. Komson Chanprapan | Economics | Senior Machine Learning Scientist at
Dr. Michael Geuss | Psychology | Human Research and Engineering Directorate, US Army
Research Lab
Dr. Jennifer Seelig | Political Science | Director of Community Empowerment, Salt
Lake City Mayor’s Office
Tips and Resources:
Cathy Tingstrom | Graduate Career Coach, University Career & Professional Development Center
CSBS Student Research Day
Tuesday, April 16 | 12-3 PM
Gardner Commons, Third Floor
Both graduate and undergraduate students in the college will be given the opportunity to showcase original research projects using poster presentations, and family and friends are encouraged to attend as well. A panel of faculty judges will evaluate the projects.
Three cash prizes will be awarded for best posters in each of the graduate research and undergraduate research categories. The Student Choice Award will be given out to the student whose poster receives the most votes during the main exhibition period.
First Prize: $250
Second Prize: $150
Third Prize: $100
Student Choice Award: $100
more info about student research day
Featured Scholarship
Herbert W. Gustafson Endowed Graduate Fellowship
For grad students in CSBS who are in the pursuit of quantitative study of human social behavior.
This scholarship was established in 2008 with a gift from the Herbert W. Gustafson Estate. More info about the Herbert W. Gustafson Endowed Graduate Fellowship. Filter for "College of Social and Behavioral Science".
Undergraduate Deadline has passed. Consider applying next year!
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Online Courses
FCS 2400-090 | Modern Family: A Life Course Perspective
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to topical issues and perspectives surrounding the modern family. This course examines how the institution of the family not only shapes individual lives but also how the family itself, its forms and functions, is influenced by larger social forces. We will examine the social significance of the American family by looking at how families have varied across American history, social groups, and social contexts. It is hoped that through discussion and debate about family-related issues, that students will be able to critically evaluate how social structure and social change have impacted the family, and what these changes mean for society and individuals.
Addiction and its Stigmas
Thursday, April 4 | 2:30 PM
Marriott Library, Gould Auditorium
Join us for a panel dialogue on addiction and its stigmas. Fight the addiction, not people with addiction.
Sponsored by Honors College Praxis Lab | Addictions: 'Crack'-ing Open the Myths and Recover at the U.
Week Against Prisons
March 25-29, 2019
Join Students Against Mass Incarceration in Week Against Prisons for events discussing mass incaceration, the prison-industrial system, and prisons themself specifically in the United States criminal justice.
We will be discussing current conditions and explore what actions we can take now to build for a better and more just future.
Featured Events
Hungry to Learn: Food insecurity, students and the University's response
March 19, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: March 4-8
Student Spotlight
Jenea Varela
Meet Jenea Varela, psychology major and Solutions Scholar! "I was born and raised in Layton, Utah. I chose to major in psychology because I find the human mind fascinating but another reason is because personally, I think that mental health is just as important as physical health and it is sometimes overlooked when looking at one’s illness. I plan to get my PhD in clinical psychology and work with people in the military struggling with depression, PTSD, and other mental illnesses."
Anxiety and Depression across the Lifespan
Tuesday, March 5 | 6-7:30 PM
Gardner Commons | Siciliano Auditorium (Room 1900)
The event is tomorrow, but you can submit a question for the panelists today! Use the button below.
The Eric Moerer Memorial Lecture Series presents
Anxiety & Depression across the Lifespan
Moderator: Mary Nickles, KUTV Channel 2 News
Guest Panelists:
Elisabeth Conradt | Assistant Professor, Psychology
Rep. Steve Eliason | Utah House of Representatives, District 45
Christina Lecluyse | Clinical Social Worker, University Counseling Center
Philip Osteen | Associate Professor, Social Work
Perry Renshaw | Professor, Psychiatry
Sonia Salari | Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Studies
Submit a quesiton for the panelists
CSBS Student Research Day
Tuesday, April 16 | 12-3 PM
Gardner Commons, Third Floor
Both graduate and undergraduate students in the college will be given the opportunity to showcase original research projects using poster presentations, and family and friends are encouraged to attend as well. A panel of faculty judges will evaluate the projects.
Three cash prizes will be awarded for best posters in each of the graduate research and undergraduate research categories. The Student Choice Award will be given out to the student whose poster receives the most votes during the main exhibition period.
First Prize: $250
Second Prize: $150
Third Prize: $100
Student Choice Award: $100
more info about student research day
CCI needs your help!
The Campus Contraceptive Initiative is conducting research to assess student health on campus, and we need your help. By taking the 10-minute survey, the CCI hopes to understand student knowledge and experiences with sexual and reproductive health. Your response will help the CCI assess the need for programs to expand access to sexual and reproductive health services at the University of Utah.
Take the survey, and you can be entered to win one of 33 Amazon Gift Cards for $50! The
survey is completely anonymous, and responses are de-identified from the participant
for the entry for the prizes. CCI will only use the provided email from the participant
to contact for the giveaway.
For more information or questions, please contact Grace Mason, Founder and President of Campus Contraceptive Initiative.
Featured Scholarship
Earl and Elies Skidmore Endowed Graduate Fellowship
For all grad students in CSBS! No other criteria.
Earl S. Skidmore earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Utah where he majored in Sociology and Anthropology and earned minors in Zoology and Chemistry. Earl's studies at the University were interrupted by two years of service in the U.S. Navy. Later in his career, Earl returned to higher education earning a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Stanford University.
Earl began his career working for Phillips Petroleum in Spokane, Wash. After three years, he moved to the San Francisco Bay area and eventually owned and operated four gas stations, Skid's royal Stations. In 1958, Skidmore sold the stations and began Pressure Vessel Service, a chemical company specializing in handling corrosive chemicals and creating a variety of chemical solutions. Earl devoted over 30 years to PVS and to the chemical industry, serving as president of Esbro Chemical and president of the Northern California Chemical Association.
Earl and Elies have given scholarships to CSBS students for several years. In 2007, they endowed this scholarship.
More info about the Earl and Elies Skidmore Endowed Graduate Fellowship. Filter for "College of Social and Behavioral Science".
Undergraduate Deadline has passed. Consider applying next year!
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Online Courses
The Fall 2019 Semester Schedule is now online!
The college has several generation 2 courses available to take. What is a generation 2 course you ask? It’s a course that has been taught online for years in some form and has now been updated. There is a consistent template to the homepage and modules. This course utilizes the full functions and tools of Canvas. They have recorded lectures, introductions from the instructor, a course overview, and weekly feedback. Some assignments may be multi-media based as well as group work and online discussions.
Popular Links
Week of: February 25-March 1
Student Spotlight
Tiffany Shapiro
Meet Tiffany Shapiro! “I am in the Master of Social Work and Master of Public Administration joint program. I am passionate about economic empowerment and trauma work with women in poverty, and particularly survivors of domestic violence. My goal is to work at the organization and macro level, advocating for policies that work to improve trauma-informed services, self-determination, and resilience. The joint program is perfect for my goals and I am gaining a comprehensive and thorough education that is challenging me to question my biases and think critically about many different angles of policy, advocacy, and working with marginalized persons.
"I am a professional victim's advocate and sexual assault crisis counselor, a mother of five wonderful children (plus one amazing daughter-in-law) and five darling grandchildren. I love learning and am thrilled to have the opportunity to study at the graduate level. I hope to possibly pursue a PhD in the future, but regardless will remain a lifelong learner."
CSBS & Red Cross Blood Drive
Union East Ballroom
Give blood. Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
Didn't make an appointment? No worries. Walk-ins are welcome! Donors will receive a coupon for a free Del Taco Shake.
CCI needs your help!
The Campus Contraceptive Initiative is conducting research to assess student health on campus, and we need your help. By taking the 10-minute survey, the CCI hopes to understand student knowledge and experiences with sexual and reproductive health. Your response will help the CCI assess the need for programs to expand access to sexual and reproductive health services at the University of Utah.
Take the survey, and you can be entered to win one of 33 Amazon Gift Cards for $50! The
survey is completely anonymous, and responses are de-identified from the participant
for the entry for the prizes. CCI will only use the provided email from the participant
to contact for the giveaway.
For more information or questions, please contact Grace Mason, Founder and President of Campus Contraceptive Initiative.
Featured Scholarship
Stephen C. & Lynda M. Jacobsen Endowed Scholarship
For all undergrads in CSBS! This is the first year this scholarship has been available. Will you be the first recipient?
We are looking for a student who is engaged in community service or a student with entrepreneurial pursuits. The award is intended for a student who is experiencing financial need and has a minimum GPA of 3.2.
More info about the Stephen C. & Lynda M. Jacobsen Endowed Scholarship. Filter for "College of Social and Behavioral Science".
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1 |THIS FRIDAY!
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Speak or Sing at Convocation!
We need an undergraduate and a graduate to speak at their respective convocations. Not sure what to say? No worries, we've got you covered! Tips for content and structure are included on our website.
Submissions are due Monday, February 25 by 5 PM. (Only graduating students are eligible to speak.)
Enter to be the Student Speaker
We need students to sing the national anthem at the undergraduate and graduate convocations.
Auditions will be held in 15-minute blocks on Friday, March 1 and Monday, March 4 from 10 AM-4 PM. (While graduating students are preferred, we welcome auditions from students who are not graduating this spring.)
audition for the national anthem
Anxiety and Depression across the Lifespan
Tuesday, March 5 | 6-7:30 PM
Gardner Commons | Siciliano Auditorium (Room 1900)
The Eric Moerer Memorial Lecture Series presents
Anxiety & Depression across the Lifespan
Moderator: Mary Nickles, KUTV Channel 2 News
Guest Panelists:
Elisabeth Conradt | Assistant Professor, Psychology
Rep. Steve Eliason | Utah House of Representatives, District 45
Christina Lecluyse | Clinical Social Worker, University Counseling Center
Philip Osteen | Associate Professor, Social Work
Perry Renshaw | Professor, Psychiatry
Sonia Salari | Associate Professor, Family and Consumer Studies
Anxiety and Depression Event INFO
Featured Events
March 1, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: February 19-22
Student Spotlight
Elizabeth Porter
Meet Elizabeth Porter, healthy, society & policy major and Solutions Scholar! “I was born and raised in Utah and when it came to deciding where to go to college, the University of Utah was an excellent choice. I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors, I grew up playing soccer, going on hikes with my family and friends, kayaking, and rock climbing. I hope to finish my undergraduate and then travel and work for a year, and then go to graduate school where I plan on studying Health Administration."
SWC February Luncheon
Thursday, February 28 | 12:25-1:45 PM
GC 2950 (Eccles Auditorium)
“Dust Threatens Utah’s Snow”
McKenzie Skiles | Assistant Professor, Geography
“Historic Climate Introduced Bark Beetle Epidemics & Management Responses”
Jennifer Watt | Associate Director, ENVST
Lunch provided if you RSVP by February 25. Please inform us of any dietary restrictions. Click button to RSVP and use subject line “RSVP for February SWC Luncheon.”
Sponsored by NEXUS, SWC, & GCSC
Featured Scholarship
Merrill Ridd Scholarship
For students majoring in geography. Student should have an educational focus in GIS and the environment.
Merrill Ridd is an emeritus professor of Geography. Before becoming faculty at the U in 1967, he worked with groups such as the U.S. Forest Service and National Science Foundation. In 1975, Dr. Ridd established the Center for Remote Sensing and Cartography with funding from NASA, conducting and publishing research as a training ground for over 45 graduate student advisees, first on campus and then at the University Research Park. Having a background in geography, geology, and ecology Dr. Ridd was the lead-off instructor of the five professors who introduced the Environmental (& Sustainability) Studies program at the University of Utah.
More info about the Merrill Ridd Scholarship. Filter for "Geography".
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Speak or Sing at Convocation!
We need an undergraduate and a graduate to speak at their respective convocations. Not sure what to say? No worries, we've got you covered! Tips for content and structure are included on our website.
Submissions are due Monday, February 25 by 5 PM. (Only graduating students are eligible to speak.)
Enter to be the Student Speaker
We need students to sing the national anthem at the undergraduate and graduate convocations.
Auditions will be held in 15-minute blocks on Friday, March 1 and Monday, March 4 from 10 AM-4 PM. (While graduating students are preferred, we welcome auditions from students who are not graduating this spring.)
audition for the national anthem
CSBS & Red Cross Blood Drive
Monday, February 25 | 10 AM-3 PM
Union East Ballroom
Give blood. Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment!
Apply to be a Goff Scholar
Deadline: Friday, March 1
Explore how far you can go through the Goff Scholars Strategic Leadership Experience. Strategic leaders find problems and solve them. They take ownership of value creation and make important and hard-to-reverse decisions — all while enlisting others to pursue worthwhile goals. Strategic leadership is rarely taught in classrooms, so consider applying for this unique program that blends classwork with real projects for different organizations. You will work on teams, build a suite of valuable real-world skills and discover your strategic leadership potential. The application process is competitive.
Featured Events
From Hinckley Intern to DC Insider: How to Jump Start your Political Career with Justin Brown
February 22, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: February 11-15
Student Spotlight
Junfu Zhao
Meet Junfu Zhao! “I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in economics. I chose economics as my graduate major because economics could help me understand the dynamics of human society and thereby provide instructions on how to make a better world.
I was born in a small county in the middle of China. As I moved from the county to the nearest city and then to Beijing for education, I witnessed the diametrically different life trajectories experienced by my primary-school classmates, high-school classmates, and university classmates. This was a manifestation of the uneven development of China’s society during the last 40 years. I was lucky because I got the mere chance to escape my poor county and eventually traveled to the US for higher education. I would like to go back to China after my graduation and would like to devote my knowledge and energy to making a more equal society in China."
Ethnographic Research Workshops with Timothy Pachirat
Wednesday, February 13 and Thursday, February 14
Gardner Commons Rm 4150
Timothy Pachirat, author and political scientist will be conducting workshops on doing ethnographic research, issues of ethics in ethnography, and his current research projects.
He will also be doing limited meetings with students and faculty members (students will take first priority) to discuss research projects and ideas.
And if all that doesn't entice you, free lunch will be provided both days to those who RSVP!
Apply to be a Solutions Scholar!
Deadline: Friday, February 15
This program admits a cohort of approximately 20 students each fall. These scholars are committed to addressing key challenges facing our world like immigration, inequities facing women, climate change, poverty, human rights, the obesity crisis and more. Course instruction together with experiential learning, research and internship experiences help develop the skills needed to be the solution to the most pressing issues of our day.
Each Solutions Scholar is supported with a $4,000 scholarship disbursed over two years.
Featured Scholarship
Edward and Claudia Christensen Scholarship
For students majoring in anthropology with an emphasis in cultural anthropology.
Edward R. (Ned) Christensen has achieved wide intellectual accomplishments in a variety of academic and professional fields and is devoted to civic and social service. He graduated from the University of Utah in 1948 with a B.S. in Chemistry and an M.S. in Chemistry in 1949. During his career as a research chemist with Texaco, Inc., Mr. Christensen earned an M.S. in Industrial Administration from Union College. Following his retirement Ned pursued a PhD in Anthropology and graduated in 2009.
More info about the Edward and Claudia Christensen Scholarship. Filter for "Anthropology".
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Opioid Overdose Prevention
Williams Building (295 S. Chipeta Way)
Rooms 223 A & B
Wednesday, February 13 | 4-6 PM
The health outreach program Utah Naloxone is in need of volunteers to build opioid overdose prevention kits. Pizza will be served!
Email with questions or for future dates. View the event on Facebook.
CSBS & Red Cross Blood Drive
Monday, February 25 | 10 AM-3 PM
Union East Ballroom
Give blood. Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment!
Featured Events
Health Behaviors Seminar Series presents Cynthia Berg, PhD
"Optimizing social support for type 1 diabetes across the life span"
February 14, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: February 4-8
Student Spotlight
Jessica Marshall
Meet Jessica Marshall, anthropology major and Solutions Scholar! “I'm originally from Boise, Idaho. Other than school, I spend my time volunteering for Planned Parenthood, working with the Asian American Student Association, and watching Indie movies. After graduation, I want to attend law school at UCLA in pursuit of a degree in International Human Rights Law."
Would you like to become a Solutions Scholar? The deadline to apply is Friday, February 15!
CSBS & Red Cross Blood Drive
Monday, February 25 | 10 AM-3 PM
Union East Ballroom
Give blood. Every 2 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment!
Featured Scholarship
Bright Futures Foundation Scholarship
For students majoring in environmental and sustainability studies.
Bright Futures Foundation is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that we can work together to provide meaningful change for people living in far less abundant circumstances.
More info about the Bright Futures Foundation Scholarship. Filter for "Environmental and Sustainability Studies".
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Scholarships and Financial Aid Workshops
Marriott Library, Room 1735
Friday, Monday, February 4, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Thursday, February 7, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Find out more about:
- How to apply for University of Utah scholarship opportunities.
- How to maximize your external scholarship search.
- Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Completing your Financial Aid Checklist and verification
- The different types of financial aid available, such as grants, loans, and work-study
Graduate Student Social
Marriott Library, Graduate Reading Room, 1180A
Thursday, February 7, 11 AM-1 PM
Come visit the Graduate Reading Room and learn about all the services the library can provide to help you. We will also have free sushi, bagels, coffee, tea, and more!
Become a CSBS Ambassador
Applications due Friday, February 8
Earn a scholarship by working with CSBS! The ambassador program is looking for a diverse
group of individuals who are passionate about their studies in CSBS and want to share
that passion by connecting with students both in person and through social media.
Featured Events
February 7, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: January 28-February 1
Student Spotlight
Miranda Jones
Meet Miranda Jones, psychology major and Solutions Scholar! “I am interested in furthering
my study in psychology because I am fascinated by the human condition. Specifically,
my area of interest within psychology is cultural psychology. As a person with exceptional
privilege, it is my responsibility to use my opportunities in higher education to
elevate those who may not have similar access. The history of psychological research
with marginalized populations has been far from ideal. In my personal research, I
aim to use a Community-Based Participatory approach as to always work with communities
of interest rather than create harm."
Would you like to become a Solutions Scholar? The deadline to apply is Friday, February 15!
Become a CSBS Ambassador
Applications due Friday, February 8
Earn a scholarship by working with CSBS! The ambassador program is looking for a diverse
group of individuals who are passionate about their studies in CSBS and want to share
that passion by connecting with students both in person and through social media.
Featured Scholarship
Danielle Vacca Memorial Scholarship
For juniors or seniors majoring in psychology whose lives have been affected by a
drunk or impaired driver.
The Danielle Vacca scholarship was established in 2013 by Danielle Vacca's father, Joe Vacca, and her grandmother, Sina Vacca, to honor Danielle Vacca. Danielle was a University of Utah student killed in an auto accident by a drunk and impaired driver.
More info about the Danielle Vacca Memorial Scholarship. Filter for "Psychology".
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
University Ambassador Applications Open
Applications due Friday, February 1
The University Ambassadors bring a deeper understanding of the university to prospective students, parents, counselors, and other visitors by sharing their Utah signature experience and providing an insider’s perspective of being a student at the U.
Emma Eccles Jones Welcome Center Wednesday, January 30 from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Emma Eccles Jones Welcome Center Wednesday, January 30 from 6:00 PM -7:30 PM
Become a Suit Up Scholar!
Apply to recieve a scholarship that will provide full professional attire (suit, shirt, shoes, and accessories) needed for your upcoming career! Applications due Friday, February 1.
Degrees to Everywhere
GC 2018, Hinckley Caucus Room
Wednesday, January 30, 12-1 PM
Join us as three young alums discuss how their degree inspired their journey to success!
Free food and a chance to network immediately following the event!
Our Panelists:
-Nico Dato | VP of Marketing, Podium
’13 Economics
- Lindsay Hadley | Founder / CEO, Hadley Impact Consulting
'06 Sociology
-Blake Murray | Co-founder / CEO, Divvy
'09 Environmental Studies (Now Environmental and Sustainability Studies)
Featured Events
5th Annual Human Trafficking Symposium | “Migrants and Trafficking: The Vulnerability of Movement"
February 1, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: January 22-25
Student Spotlight
Cici Longi
Meet Cici Longi, health, society and policy major and Solutions Scholar! “I am the third oldest out of seven kids. I am the first member of my family to attend college so being here for my second is such an amazing experience. I'm Polynesian so a big part of my culture is family and they are one of my main motivators for going to school. I aspire to be a doctor, leaning towards the orthopedics field. I want to go into medicine because I want to be one of the select few that sacrifice years of their own life to ensure that others can live their best healthy lives. Growing up I didn't really have many academic role models but I know that I can succeed in achieving my career goals by staying focused on them and realizing that the hard work I put in now will pay off in the end when I'm working in the medical field doing what I love."
Would you like to become a Solutions Scholar? The deadline to apply is Friday, February 15!
Become a Suit Up Scholar!
Apply to recieve a scholarship that will provide full professional attire (suit, shirt, shoes, and accessories) needed for your upcoming career! Applications due Friday, February 1.
Degrees to Everywhere
GC 2018, Hinckley Caucus Room
Wednesday, January 30, 12-1 PM
Join us as three young alums discuss how their degree inspired their journey to success!
Free food and a chance to network immediately following the event!
Our Panelists:
-Nico Dato | VP of Marketing, Podium
’13 Economics
- Lindsay Hadley | Founder / CEO, Hadley Impact Consulting
'06 Sociology
-Blake Murray | Co-founder / CEO, Divvy
'09 Environmental Studies (Now Environmental and Sustainability Studies)
Featured Scholarship
Utah Correctional Association Scholarship
For students majoring in criminology
If you plan to work for a state, county, or local criminal/juvenile justice agency or a provider of services to these agencies after graduation, this scholarship is for you! (Note: preference will be given to those applicants who already work in the above agencies.)
More info about the Utah Correctional Association Scholarship. Filter for "Sociology/Criminology".
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Online Courses
FCS 3380-090: Social Science & Health Care
Take a (virtual) hike with us! Family & Consumer Studies is now offering a course
taught by Lori Kowaleski-Jones and developed with the School of Medicine. This course
will explore ways in which social behavioral factors influence health. It is essential
that future health care providers consider how the family structure, culture, and
environment positively and negatively impacts the type of care a patient receives
over the life course. Sign up for this course today! This course is taught once a
Featured Events
Geography Colloquium: "Impacts of Dust on Air Quality and Water Resources in Northern Utah"
January 25, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: January 14-18
Student Spotlight
Erik Fronberg
Meet Erik Fronberg, environmental and sustainability studies major and Solutions Scholar!
“I began pursuing my degree at the University of Utah in 2017 after returning from
a two year Latter-day Saint mission in South Korea. My academic interests include
ecology, sustainability, and urban development. After completing my undergraduate
studies, I intend to apply for the Master in Public Policy program here at the U and
eventually begin a career in civil service. When not studying or attending lecture
I make time for practicing the piano – my favorite composer is Fredrick Chopan – or
for exploring Downtown. I enjoy spending time with my yours-mine-and-ours family and
adore all five of my siblings. I consider my tight-knit group of friends both my support
crew and lifeline but like meeting new people at every opportunity."
Would you like to become a Solutions Scholar? Info sessions about the program are next week! More info can also be found on our website.
Degrees to Everywhere
GC 2018, Hinckley Caucus Room
Wednesday, January 30, 12-1 PM
Join us on Wednesday, January 30 from 12-1 in the Hinckley Caucus Room as three young
alums discuss how their degree inspired their journey to success! Free food and a
chance to network immediately following the event!
Our Panelists:
-Nico Dato | VP of Marketing, Podium
’13 Economics
- Lindsay Hadley | Founder / CEO, Hadley Impact Consulting
'06 Sociology
-Blake Murray | Co-founder / CEO, Divvy
'09 Environmental Studies (Now Environmental and Sustainability Studies)
Student Website Designer Wanted
The Health, Society and Policy Program is looking for a work study student to help with their website 10-19 hours each week.
Featured Scholarship
Oakley J. Gordon Memorial Endowed Scholarship
For nontraditional CSBS students
We look for good students who do not fit the traditional mold, who are facing additional challenges in getting an education, who have not been able to step directly into college from high school and proceed at a normal pace, students who could use a little help. More info about the Oakley J. Gordon Memorial Endowed Scholarship.
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
Online Courses
SBS 2700-090: Career Exploration
This fully online course is designed for majors in the College of Social & Behavioral
Science who are ready for hands-on career exploration and implementation. Students
will engage via media with a range of professionals working currently in a variety
of relevant social and behavioral science fields, while gaining practical skills in
personal branding, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing and researching available
jobs. Students in this course will develop and refine job search documents, connect
with professionals in their prospective field, create a professional online presence,
and develop an individualized job search strategy. This course is taught every spring.
Solutions Scholars Workshop
GC 3825
Wednesday, January 16 12-1 PM
Thursday, January 17 12-1 PM
Join us on the 16th or the 17th to learn more about how you too can become a CSBS Solutions Scholar!
What is the Solutions Scholars?
This program admits a cohort of approximately 20 students each fall. These scholars are committed to addressing key challenges facing our world like immigration, inequities facing women, climate change, poverty, human rights, the obesity crisis and more. Course instruction together with experiential learning, research and internship experiences help develop the skills needed to be the solution to the most pressing issues of our day.
Each Solutions Scholar is supported with a $4,000 scholarship disbursed over two years. Applications are due February 15.
Featured Events
How Extended Family Health Issues Influence Household Portfolio Allocation
January 16, 2019
Upcoming Deadlines
Last day to add, drop (delete), elect CR/NC, or audit full length semester classes
January 18, 2019
Popular Links
Week of: January 7-11
Student Spotlight
Ginny Andersen
Meet Ginny Andersen, anthropology major and Solutions Scholar! “I come from a small town called Tooele and in that small town lies my family's
business, Asylum 49. Growing up in a haunted house environment has shaped me a lot
as a person, in the most positive and life changing ways. It helped lead me to the
person I am today, such as my passion for bones. I knew I wanted to be an Anthropologist
since I was about 7 or 8. When the TV show Bones aired, I wanted to be the main character
that studies bones. With strong will, passion, good grades and great help, I am on
my way to working and studying bones. After completing my undergraduate, I would like
to go to Berkeley to get my graduates degree and then after get my Ph.D. in Anthropology.
My biggest goal in life is, strive to live my life to the fullest and succeed in all
my endeavors."
Would you like to become a Solutions Scholar? Info sessions about the program are next week! More info can also be found on our website.
Scholarship & Fellowship Applications OPEN!
Are you a nontraditional student? Are you a member of an underrepresented group? Are you a DACA student? Is your GPA less than stellar? We have scholarships for every type of student in CSBS! Applications are open now.
Solutions Scholars Deadline: Friday, February 15 (see workshop info below)
Undergraduate Deadline: Friday, March 1
Graduate Deadline: Monday, April 1
For questions or more information, please contact us at or 801.581.8620.
CSBS ScholarshipS and Fellowships
Solutions Scholars Workshop
GC 3825
Wednesday, January 16 12-1 PM
Thursday, January 17 12-1 PM
Join us on the 16th or the 17th to learn more about how you too can become a CSBS Solutions Scholar!
What is the Solutions Scholars?
This program admits a cohort of approximately 20 students each fall. These scholars are committed to addressing key challenges facing our world like immigration, inequities facing women, climate change, poverty, human rights, the obesity crisis and more. Course instruction together with experiential learning, research and internship experiences help develop the skills needed to be the solution to the most pressing issues of our day.
Each Solutions Scholar is supported with a $4,000 scholarship disbursed over two years. Applications are due February 15.
Solutions Scholars Workshop Info
Online Courses
POLS 1100: U.S. National Government
This course provides an introduction to American government and politics. The course
covers the principles on which the national government rests, the nature of political
action in the U.S., and the dynamics of the Congress, Presidency, Judiciary, and Bureaucracy.
This course is intended for students of all majors interested in an introductory survey of the American political landscape, including those students completing the requirements of the political science pre-major. The course is open to students of all levels, but it is intended primarily as a first course in American politics for lower-division students.
Featured Events
CAKE talks: Banking on Bubbles: Credit Creation and the persistence of Bull Markets
January 11, 2019
Popular Links
Spring 2018
Internships Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Utah seeking interns for three exciting new projects for the summer semester—app development, population analysis, and events coordination. For more information and to apply, contact your Internship Coordinator. Featured Events
Health, Society & Policy 40th Birthday Celebration April 24, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses ANTH 1010-090: Culture & the Human Experience Anthropological knowledge can be used to solve contemporary local and global issues. This course introduces students to the concept of culture as a framework for understanding similarities and differences in behavior and values in human societies from all parts of the world. Most case studies are from non-Western cultures in South America, Africa and Oceania, but examples and links to cultural and social-economic diversity within the United States are also integral to the course. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights Meet Christopher Willis, sociology major and member of the class of 2018! He is also one of two students who will be speaking during undergraduate convocation on May 4. "I transferred to the University of Utah in 2016 from SLCC where I had earned an Associate of Science degree in Criminal Justice. Here at the U, the sociology department has given me a great breadth of knowledge and understanding of how multiple disciplines can be applied to the areas of crime prevention, victim recovery, and crime reduction. The opportunity to intern for a criminal trial judge, Judge Hruby-Mills at the 4th District Court in Utah, was a fantastic and illuminating experience for me and solidified my decision to apply to law school later this year. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I am passionate about law and justice. My ultimate goal is to work for the government as a prosecutor and an administrative attorney." Best of luck to Christopher and all our graduates! Gardner Commons Services Desk is Hiring! Be one of the first to work in our new building! Two positions are available: one part-time, year-round position and a two-week, temporary position. Apply today! |
WEEK OF: APRIL 16-20Internships
Utah Community Action is seeking an intern for their Nutrition program for the summer semester. For more information and to apply, contact your Internship Coordinator. Featured Events
April 18, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses FCS 3500-090: Financial Skills for Life Ever wondered about managing your personal finances? This course is for students interested in applying the concepts and tools of financial planning to their own life as well as those who wish to work with other people as a financial planning volunteer or professional. This course is also the foundation for a six-course sequence in financial planning offered through the Department of Family and Consumer Studies. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights Meet Lara Bauer, psychology major and member of the class of 2018! She's also one of two students who will be speaking at the undergraduate convocation on May 4. One of the most memorable moments during her degree was the time that she went to the Four Corners areas for five days with her Cognition in the Wild course. They saw ancient ruins and learned how the brain is cognitively restored in nature. After graduation, Lara will begin a master’s of public administration. Her ultimate goal is to work for a non-profit. Best of luck to Lara and all our graduates! Upcoming Deadlines More job opportunities! VOA Utah currently has several openings. Full- and part-time positions available. Visit their website to learn more and apply! |
WEEK OF: APRIL 9-13Internships STILL SEEKING: Urban Food Connections of Utah needs multiple interns to work with the organization and the Downtown Salt Lake Farmers Market this spring and summer! Positions include EBT SNAP, Market Kids, Nutrition, and Waste Wise internships. For more information, contact your Internship Coordinator. Featured Events
Are Men Better Navigators? April 10, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses ANTH 1020: Human Origins: Evolution and Diversity Physical (also known as Biological) Anthropology is an exciting discipline that studies humans, and their closest living relatives, as biological beings living in cultural and natural settings. After this course, you will be able to answer questions regarding human origins, the relationship of humans to the rest of the animal kingdom, the origin, patterns, maintenance, and significance of human biological variation. You will also learn about the nature of heredity and how the environment has shaped many of our defining characteristics. The Spring 2018 course featured new videos of monkeys from the Hogle Zoo. This course if taught each semester. Student Spotlights Meet Rebeca Gonzalez, a first-generation college senior, pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish Teaching. Rebeca’s passion for social change has guided her work in youth and community development for the past 4 years. Rebeca has gathered data to show the effect of educational programs in the community that saw her grow. Rebeca calls the Park City community her home. For this work, she was recently named the recipient of the University of Utah's Charles H. Monson Essay Prize. She was selected for the research she helped conduct in collaboration with Holy Cross Ministries on the nonprofit's school readiness program. Gonzalez's paper is titled "Supporting immigrant families through their involvement in early childhood education." For the research, 120 families were interviewed about their experience in the school readiness program. Holy Cross Ministries hopes to better understand the impact that its program has on children and families in the community. Gonzalez's faculty mentor is Cheryl Wright, associate professor of family and consumer studies. Education At Work Looking for a job? Education at Work is ten minutes away from campus, offers flexibility to fit your class schedule and tuition reimbursement! Visit their website to find out more and apply. |
WEEK OF: APRIL 2-6Internships Urban Food Connections of Utah is seeking multiple interns to work with the organization and the Downtown Salt Lake Farmers Market this spring and summer! Positions include EBT SNAP, Market Kids, Nutrition, and Waste Wise internships. For more information, contact your Internship Coordinator. Featured Events
Campus Community Series: #MeToo: Now What? April 5, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses PSY 3400-090: Abnormal Behavior What constitutes “abnormal” human behavior? Find out what the multiple definitions are an how they have evolved over time. The primary focus of the course will be the nature of various forms of abnormal behavior, including the description of each disorder’s various signs and symptoms. Learn about this and more from Dr Strassberg’s course. You might learn a thing or two about your Aunt Sally. This course is taught each semester both online and face-to-face. Student Spotlights Congratulations to the RISE party who were voted to be the new administration of ASUU! Two of the three executive positions are filled by CSBS students! Connor Morgan, center, is a biology and political science major who will serve as president. Maggie Gardner, right, is a human development and family studies major who will serve as VP of University Relations. RISE’s platform centered around student safety, transparency and on-campus activities. If you have suggestions, ideas or concerns for the incoming administration, submit a comment. Lassonde New Venture Development Center Applications for the premier graduate program, Lassonde New Venture Development Center, are now open! Students form interdisciplinary teams and spend a year working to commercialize faculty inventions. All graduate students, from all colleges and backgrounds, are encouraged to apply. The deadline for applications is Saturday, April 7. |
WEEK OF: MARCH 26-30Internships US Dream Academy is seeking interns! Participate in one-to-one or small group mentoring with elementary and middle school students who have a history of incarceration in their family and/or are at risk of failing school. For more information, contact your Internship Coordinator! Online Courses The Fall 2018 Semester schedule is now online! The college has several generation 2 online courses available to take. What is a generation 2 online course you ask? It’s a course that has been taught online for years in some form and has now been updated. There is a consistent template to the homepage and modules. This course utilizes the full functions and tools of Canvas. They have recorded lectures, introductions from the instructor, a course overview, and weekly feedback. Some assignments may be multi-media based as well as group work and online discussions. ANTH ANTH 1010-090 ANTH 1020-090 ECON ECON 1740-090 ECON 3100-090 ECON 3500-090 ECON 3620-090 ECON 3700-090 ECON 4020-090 ECON 5360-090 ECON 5470-090 FCS FCS 1500-090 FCS 2600-090 FCS 3010-090 FCS 3200-090 FCS 3210-090 FCS 3370-090 FCS 3450-090 FCS 3500-090 PSY PSY 1010-090 PSY 2010-090 PSY 3000-090 PSY 3120-090 PSY 3150-090 PSY 3171-090 PSY 3215-090 PSY 3330-090 PSY 3400-090 Student Spotlights My name is Hannah Samowitz, and I am a fourth-year undergraduate studying Psychology and Spanish. This year, I've been awarded the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award for CSBS. My research uses the lens of environmental psychology to look at how we can motivate Utahns to engage with and support organizations that work towards cleaner air. Here in the Salt Lake Valley, we suffer from harmful levels of PM2.5 in our air, which poses short- and long-term health risks. Non-profit groups like HEAL Utah are working with local businesses and lawmakers to promote policies that would improve our air quality, but they rely on support from individual people. Results from my research show that reminding people of SLC’s air pollution problem via photos increases the amount of money they would donate to HEAL Utah, but this effect can only be seen among people with a deep attachment to natural areas in and around Salt Lake City. Student Research Day Have you been working on original research this year? Present your findings at Student Research Day for the opportunity to earn a cash prize! Applications are due Friday, April 6. |
WEEK OF: MARCH 12-16Internships The United States Attorneys’ Office in Utah is seeking two student interns. This is a fantastic opportunity for any student interested in diving into some of Utah’s biggest cases. Click here to apply! For assistance with your application or to inquire about credit options, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
Non-Academic Career Options for Ph.D. Students March 13, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses FCS 2180-090: Family, School, and Community Connections In this course, you'll explore the interrelationships among families, schools, and the communities where they live. You'll be able to discuss successful forms of home school involvement, use resilience theory to present an intervention in the form an Action Plan, and explain a growth and fixed mindset and the outcomes of each. Student Spotlights My name is Ben Danh and I grew up here in Northern Utah! I’m currently a senior studying Sociology as a major and Economics and Anthropology as minors with a Diversity certificate. A field that I genuinely love learning about and immersing myself in is poverty and inequality. Not only does poverty and inequality tie my major and all of my minors together, it also brings in political, cultural, and social issues that exist in or society today. I decided to follow this path because as a first generation child of a single mother, I know how difficult it could be to excel socially and academically and I wish to help out those with similar backgrounds. As I delve deeper into the fields of academic advising and student affairs, the more I fall in love with helping others grow professionally and cultivating their interest and passions! Bagels with Berg Mark your calendars! On Thursday, March 29, Dean Cindy Berg will be in the BEH S Foyer from 10-11 AM, and she wants to hear from you! Share your experiences of what it is like to be a student in the college and how we can make that experience the best for all of you. Plus free bagels and schmear. |
WEEK OF: MARCH 5-9Internships The University of Utah Prison Education Project is seeking interns and tutors. Applications are due Monday, March 26th. For more information, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
March 9, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses PSY 3150-090: Sensation and Perception How do you perceive color, recognize faces, or navigate through a space? In this course you'll explore how we experience and understand the world around us. You will learn about properties of the environment, such as light and sound, that are necessary for sensation and perception and much more. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights My name is Samira Gholami and I am third year pre-medical student studying Health, Society, and Policy with a minor in Nutrition. I was awarded the FLAS scholarship for the 17-18 academic year in Persian and let me just say, this experience has been بسیار خوب. I grew up learning both Persian (Farsi) and English at the same time, which resulted in a hybrid language our family has aptly termed "Finglish" (Farsi-English). The FLAS scholarship has accented my interest in pursuing medicine wonderfully because it has allowed me to take language classes that will benefit me on my journey to becoming a translator for Persian speaking patients both at the Maliheh Free Clinic and ultimately, through my work as a physician in order to better connect with patients. Upcoming Deadlines CSBS Scholarship Deadline Extended! The application for scholarships from CSBS and all of our departments and programs is due on Monday, March 19 at 11:59 PM! Submit an application. Questions? Send us an email. |
WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 2Internships Health Policy and Communications Interns wanted! The Utah Health Policy Project is seeking summer interns to work on impactful projects that make a difference in Utah.To apply, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
Campus-Community Series: Free Speech on Campus Mary Lowe Family Policy Lecture | Boomers and Millennials: Redefining Adulthood Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses ANTH 1020-090: Human Origins: Evolution & Diversity What is the relationship between humans and the rest of the animal kingdom? How has the environment shaped many of our defining characteristics? In this course you’ll study humans and their closest living relatives, as biological beings living in cultural and natural settings. Find out more by looking at the syllabus. This course is taught every semester. Student Spotlights Congratulations to psychology Ph.D. students Kelsi Rugo and Julia Harris! They have both been selected by the Military Suicide Research Consortium for travel awards to attend their research training day at the American Association of Suicidology conference. Rugo's project focuses on a fidelity analysis of crisis response planning for suicide prevention, in which she will be seeking to identify how reliability in clinician administration of crisis interventions influences outcomes. Harris' project focuses on understanding how substance use in suicide risk overlap and influence each other. CSBS Scholarship Applications due this Week The application for scholarships from CSBS and all of our departments and programs is due on Thursday! Submit your application today. Questions? Send us an email. |
WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 20-23Internships It’s time to plan your summer internship! Contact your Internship Coordinator to learn about your options and find an internship that’s right for you. Featured Events
February 22, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses PSY 3330-090: Stress Management What is stress? How do we define it? How do we measure it? In addition to lecture material, students will engage in a variety of experiential online activities involving self-monitoring of stressors and stress responses, as well as learning stress management techniques such as stress exposure reduction, mindfulness meditation, assertiveness training, time management, sleep quality improvement, and health behavior change. Student Spotlights Congratulations to Analeigh Marie Sanderson! She has been selected as a semi-finalist for a 2018-2019 Fulbright award. Finalists will be announced later this spring. Analeigh is majoring in environmental and sustainability studies and modern dance. If she is granted the scholarship she plans to pursue graduate studies in ecology and contemporary performance at the University of the Arts Helsinki. Best of luck, Analeigh! Would you like to apply for a Fulbright scholarship in the future? Attend one of the info sessions this semester. The first one is Thursday! Upcoming Deadlines Speakers and Singers Needed We want you! Enter to be a speaker at this year's CSBS convocation. Graduates and undergraduates please submit your application by March 1 at 5 pm. Would you rather sing? We also need a singer for the national anthem. Auditions will be held this Friday, the 23rd and Monday the 26th. Email Aleta Tew to schedule your 15-minute audition.
WEEK OF: FEBRUARY 12-16Internships The Children’s Justice Center is seeking spring and summer interns to work with their Child and Family Specialist. For more information and to apply, contact your Internship Coordinator. Featured Events
February 13, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses The Summer 2018 Semester Schedule is now online! The college has several generation 2 courses available to take. What is a generation 2 course you ask? It’s a course that has been taught online for years in some form and has now been updated. There is a consistent template to the homepage and modules. This course utilizes the full functions and tools of Canvas. They have recorded lectures, introductions from the instructor, a course overview, and weekly feedback. Some assignments may be multi-media based as well as group work and online discussions. ANTH 1020-090 Student Spotlights Congratulations to Chimedlkham Zorigtbaatar, economics PhD student, who has been awarded the William R. Waters research grant from the Association for Social Economics! She will use the grant to conduct fieldwork in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to study gender differences in time use and unpaid household work of children. This research will provide insights as to why and how "comparative" advantages of girls and boys in household tasks emerge and how it translates into the unequal division of unpaid household work and labor market discrepancies in later life as adults. Keep up the good work, Chimee! Upcoming Deadlines Solutions Scholars Freshmen and Sophmores, time is running short to apply. Applications are due Thursday! These scholars are committed to addressing key challenges facing our world. Each Solutions Scholar is supported with a $4,000 scholarship disbursed over two years. Questions? Send us an email. |
It’s Career Fair Season! Bring your resume and wear your business best for the Career and Professional Development Center’s upcoming Career Fairs in the Union Ballroom. February 6: Student Job Fair. February 8: Career and Internship Fair. February 13: STEM Career and Internship Fair. See which employers are coming.
Online Courses
PSY 3171-090: Human Factors and Ergonomics
Human Factors and Ergonomics focuses on the role that human factors play in our daily lives. It happens when things don't work the way you expect or things are too similar. It also happens when things are hard to see or things get in the way and they don't work well together. This course is taught during Spring and Fall semesters.
Student Spotlights
My name is Michael Maher and I’m a graduate student in the Masters of International Affairs and Global Enterprise program. Previously, I completed my undergraduate degree in Geography: Geospatial Intelligence at BYU while also studying Mandarin. This past year I had the honor of receiving a graduate fellowship through the FLAS program, which has allowed me the opportunity to begin a study of the Russian language as well. In the future, I hope to work internationally and I am grateful for the help FLAS has given me in pursuit of this dream. I plan to continue my studies in Russian so that I am better able to both interact and contribute within the international community.
Upcoming Deadlines
Nominate an Outstanding Academic Advisor
Do you know an academic advisor who has made a positive impact on campus and for students? Nominations are now being accepted for the Outstanding Advisor Award and Outstanding New Advisor Award. Nominations are quick and easy and due on Friday, February 9!
WEEK OF: JANUARY 29 - fEBRUARY 2Internships Four interns are still needed for these positions! Get your applications in ASAP. The Office of the Governor is seeking a Constituent Services Intern, and Utah Decides Healthcare is seeking three interns for their Ballot Initiative Project. Both opportunities are open to any major. For more information, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
Political Research Colloquium | From California to Cairo, to Bucca and beyond February 2, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses ECON 4010-090: Intermediate Microeconomics Intermediate Microeconomics talks about the Price Theory. Take gasoline for instance. The Price Theory asks why does gasoline cost the amount of money is costs? What is it about gasoline in the economy that gives rise to the price or any other? Learn the answers to these questions and more. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights I’m Stefania. I graduated from SLCC in May; this is my first semester at the University. I am majoring in Anthropology/EMPH: Human Ecology & Environmental Sustainability/EMPH: Land Management Conservation. Nature and being outdoors is very important to me. Natural settings, especially in urban environments, are key to human health and wellbeing. I spend my days working in the municipal park’s department where I live. Understanding our cultural practices and expectations can influence the health of our environment. At the U, I can learn how to improve our rapport with the natural world. I work with plants every day. Plants are primary producers creating their own energy directly from the sun. They’re amazing! My time here will clarify ways to improve their lives and in doing so, our lives as well. “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you.” Frank Lloyd Wright Upcoming Deadlines Apply for Undergrad Travel Support Applications for the Undergraduate Research-Related Travel Support Program are now open! Apply by March 15 to be eligible for the first round of funding. |
WEEK OF: january 22-26Internships Looking for a last-minute spring internship? The Office of the Governor is seeking a Constituent Services Intern, and Utah Decides Healthcare is seeking three interns for their Ballot Initiative Project. Both opportunities are open to any major. For more information, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
Geography Colloquium with Jochen Albrecht January 22, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses ECON 3500-090: International Economics This course covers history, institutions and theory of international economic relations. You will be presented alternative theories relating to the patterns of international trade, commercial policy, as well as international macroeconomics, i.e. the relationships between national income and international trade and payments, balance-of-payments adjustment, international monetary arrangements, and foreign investment. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights My name is Caitlin Silianoff and I am a sophomore double majoring in Political Science and English with a minor in Mandarin. This past summer, I received a FLAS scholarship to complete an intensive Chinese language program at a university in Tianjin, China. In the future, I am interested in working in foreign affairs for the US government, specifically in the area of US-China relations, and this fellowship gave me an excellent opportunity to improve my language skills and immerse myself in Chinese culture. Back in Utah, I work at the U of U Confucius Institute and just completed an internship at the International Rescue Committee, a refugee resettlement agency here in Salt Lake City. I am excited to continue my study of international politics, and I hope to live and work abroad after graduation! CSBS Ambassadors Earn a scholarship for working with CSBS! The ambassador program is looking for a diverse group of individuals who are passionate about their studies in CSBS and want to share that passion by connecting with students both in person and through social media. Applications due February 5. |
WEEK OF: january 15-19Internships Ready for an internship? Don't know where to start? Schedule a meeting with your Internship Coordinator! She can help you identify internships suited to your personal preferences and interests or program requirements. Featured Events
Silicon Safety Symposium: Connecting the dots between online behavior and sexual violence January 16, 2018 Check the calendar for upcoming events! Online Courses The college has several generation 2 courses available to take. What is a generation 2 course you ask? It’s a course that has been taught online for years in some form and has now been updated. There is a consistent template to the homepage and modules. This course utilizes the full functions and tools of Canvas. They have recorded lectures, introductions from the instructor, a course overview, and weekly feedback. Some assignments may be multi-media based as well as group work and online discussions. Online core courses and some electives in PSY, ECON and FCS are Gen 2 courses. Check them out! Student Spotlights Hello, I am Carolyn Sharp. Currently, I am working as a peer advisor for the Political Science department. After graduating with a B.S. in Political Science, and a minor in Religious Studies, I intend to go to law school. Religion and politics are an important part of my life. In addition to studying politics, I am also serving as a member of the State Central Committee for the Utah GOP, and as a party officer for Salt Lake County GOP. It is a dream of mine to cut big money out of politics and run candidates on their abilities rather than bank account balance. My personal mission is to work towards protecting the freedoms of religious believers as well as non-believers. I am also a licensed ham radio operator. Solutions Scholars These scholars are committed to addressing key challenges facing our world. Each Solutions Scholar is supported with a $4,000 scholarship disbursed over two years. Applications due February 15. |
Fall 2017
WEEK OF: deccember 11-15Internships Logistic Specialties, Inc. is looking for two interns: one working with pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities, and one investigating and researching intergenerational poverty. Send your cover letter and resume to your Internship Coordinator by December 8th to apply! Online Courses ENVST 3365-090: Environmental Justice This course examines the proposition that communities of color experience disproportionate impacts of environmental and health hazards that result from social, political, and economic practices. You’ll understand how a multi-cultural democratic society can achieve environmental sustainability within a framework of justice and equality for all. You’ll examine local and regional examples of this. You’ll assess political and economic structures of U.S. society that maintain environmental inequities and analyze how personal choices and positionality affect equity and justice for diverse populations. This course is taught every spring. Student Spotlights My name is Nik MacPhee. I'm a senior in the Environmental and Sustainability Studies program, emphasizing in Land Management, Conservation, and Place with a certificate in Geographic Information Systems. I actively participate on the ENVST Leadership Committee and currently do research on American Pika populations to better understand their behavior and site-specific distribution. I have had a strong affinity for science and animals since I was two years old when I picked up my first National Geographic magazine with a tiger on the cover. Since that day, I have been particularly passionate about feline ecology and conservation, progressing forward as a student with field experience in Africa and Costa Rica. When I graduate, I plan to spend 1-3 years in Costa Rica to study Jaguars in order to further knowledge on their behavior and distribution, eventually applying this information to better conservation and management of the species. Speak Up! Make your voice heard. The Hinckley Journal of Politics is looking for talented people to provide submissions to this prestigious publication. Deadline is Saturday, December 23. More info. |
WEEK OF: DECCEMBER 4-8Internships STILL NEEDED! The Gardner Policy Institute is hiring a GIS intern to assist with data quality efforts for the demographics team. Applications (resume, cover letter, and transcript) are due to your Internship Coordinator by December 6th. Featured Events
December 8, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses SOC 2015-090: Doing Sociology: An Introduction to Quantitative Analysis We live in an increasingly data-centric world. Everything from television commercials ("...four out of five dentists recommend using Colgate!") to news reports ("...sixty percent of Americans 'Strongly Approve' of a new plan to officially change the name of the country to 'the United States of Awesomeness'...") and research findings ("...a recent study found that raising the cost of a pack of cigarettes by just $1.00 would make smokers 20 percent more likely to quit...") reference some form of data analysis, though it's been my experience that the average person is woefully unequipped to evaluate such claims. This course and its accompanying text seek to change that by providing you with the background necessary to think critically about some of the more common forms of data analysis. Additionally, this course is designed to help you succeed in your future academic pursuits, including Social Statistics (SOC 3112) and Research Methods (SOC 3111). This course is offered each semester. Student Spotlights My name is Sarah Brady, and I’m majoring in psychology and anthropology. Throughout my time in the CSBS I’ve had many wonderful volunteer and research opportunities. I have volunteered at the VA nursing home for the past three years, and am now the Bennion Center student program co-director for the program. I have also volunteered with Primary Children’s hospital, UFit, the Children’s Center and Alternative Breaks. I’ve also had the opportunity to work in many on campus research labs, including the Capecchi Genetics Lab, the NeuroVersity Lab, and the University of Utah Orthopedics Lab. A Capital Encounter How can individuals advocate and have influence in Washington, D.C.? Learn how in POLS 4914 A Capital Encounter this spring. At the end of the course, travel to D.C. to put your knowledge and plans to work. |
WEEK OF: november 27 - DECEMBER 1Internships The Gardner Policy Institute is hiring a GIS intern to assist with data quality efforts for the demographics team. Applications (resume, cover letter, and transcript) are due to your Internship Coordinator by December 6th. Featured Events
November 30, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses GEOG 1300-090: World Regional Geography World Regional Geography is a course designed to provide a creative and insightful examination of the many geographic forces currently at work in shaping the complex features of the world's civilizations and environments. The course introduces the student to geography -- the discipline that examines the links between human societies and natural environments. It builds an understanding of geography by examining the different regions of the world. Each module takes the student to a different part of the world, as you discover the culture, economy, etc. of the place. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights My name is Natalie Fillerup. I am a third-year student at the University of Utah. I am Studying Environmental Science and Sustainability with a double major in Geography. I have been an Orientation Leader for the Universities New Student and Family Programs. I currently am an Ambassador for the College of Social and Behavioral Science. Through the opportunity of work-study, I am the School Programs Assistant at the Natural History Museum of Utah. This has allowed me to explore potential career paths for after graduation. I hope to have an impact on environmental issues with my pursuit of environmental science. Volunteer/Internship Opportunity The University of Utah Prision Education Project is seeking volunteers and interns
for spring and summer semsters. Go to Information Night to learn more. |
WEEK OF: NOVEMBER 20 - 24Internships It’s not too late to add an internship course for the spring semester! Contact your Internship Coordinator to learn about your options and find an internship that’s right for you. Featured Events
November 23, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses ANTH 1050-090: Evolution of Human Nature How does our past shape who we are today? Why are humans so social? WY do humans form families? The answers to these questions and others are found in this course. This introductory course considers these and many other questions about human behavior, sociality, life history, sex differences and cognition. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights My name is Dawson Hughes and I'm a junior majoring in Quantitative Analysis and Economics. Since being at the U, I have interned for the Salt Lake County Auditor's Office as well as a micro-finance institution in Guatemala. I hope to use my experience and education to find a career in economic consulting. Aside from my position as a CSBS Ambassador, I am a University Ambassador, a director in RHA, and the Associate Director of Finance in ASUU. CSBS Now Offers Undergrad Travel Support Do you need to travel to gather data for a research project or to present your findings? CSBS will begin accepting applications in early January for the Undergraduate Research-Related Travel Support Program. |
WEEK OF: NOVEMBER 13 - 17Internships Logistic Specialties, Inc. is looking for two interns: one working with pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities, and one investigating and researching intergenerational poverty. To apply, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
November 18, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses PSY 2120-090: Memory & Cognition in Everyday Life Ever wonder how you are able to remember important events or names of family and friends (or why you are so bad at it)? Or what you can do to improve your memory? We have an extraordinary array of mental abilities that allow us to learn, remember and sometimes forget new things that we encounter in everyday life. This course is designed to investigate these abilities, how they operate in everyday life, and why they sometimes don't work. To better illustrate how memory and cognition operate in everyday life, the course includes vivid demonstrations and examples of those abilities. At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to define several complex aspects of cognition and memory (e.g., What is attention? What is forgetting? What is false memory?) and will understand the fundamental relationship between the brain and these behaviors. This course is taught each Spring semester by Dr. Kristina Rand. Student Spotlights Hi! My name is Natalie Davila and I am a senior majoring in psychology, with a minor in sociology, and a certificate in criminology. I am beyond thrilled to be doing two internships this semester, in order to gain the experiences I need before I go out into the "real world". I hope to become a behavioral analyst for the FBI (yes, just like the ones on Criminal Minds, but less glamorous). I am a student ambassador for the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and have loved every second of it! Legislative Elections Message from Dean Cindy Berg "Dear Students from the College of Social and Behavioral Science. I am writing to encourage your participation in this year's legislative student government elections for ASUU. If you're looking to get more involved on campus, to have a stronger voice on where your student fees are spent, or to lead more student initiated efforts, ASUU is a great way to start!" Keep reading. Applications due Friday, December 15. |
WEEK OF: NOVEMBER 6 - 10Internships Research Intern wanted! The Intern has the opportunity to work with an array of research topics. Past UF reports have included: education, healthcare, air quality, taxes, water supply and quality, crime and safety, homelessness and poverty, and partisan politics. To apply, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
November 9, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses PSY 1010-090: General Psychology The course is an introduction to the science and profession of psychology. The course will assist the student in the development of a foundation of basic knowledge in order to pursue further studies in specific areas of psychology. The course will survey introductory topics such as learning, memory, sensation and perception, personality, development, physiological basis of behavior, stress and health, social psychology, and research methods. This course is taught each semester in the Psychology department. Student Spotlights My name is Jessie Duarte and I am a senior majoring in Health, Society & Policy. I am a first generation college student from Rose Park. My goal is to one day go to med school. The classes I’ve taken for the major have taught me a lot about the social, economic, and environmental determinants of health. I have also learned about how our health care system works and I believe that will greatly help me out in the future. During my time at CSBS I have become more involved serving in low-income communities. I am currently a student ambassador for the CSBS and I love to talk to current and prospective students about all the opportunities and fascinating degrees the college has to offer. Upcoming Deadlines Chat with the Dean A special invite from CSBS Dean Cindy Berg! Join us for a mid-morning break (complete with snacks) on November 13th from 11-12:00 in Room 712 in the Behavioral Science Tower. Come share your experiences of what it is like to be a student in the college and how we can make that experience the best for all of you. |
WEEK OF: october 30 - november 3Internships Planning your Spring semester? Leave room for an internship course! Contact your Internship Coordinator to learn about your options and find an internship that’s right for you. Featured Events
November 2, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses FCS 3380-090: Social Science & Health Care Take a (virtual) hike with us! Family & Consumer Studies is offering a new course starting Spring 2018 taught by Lori Kowaleski-Jones and developed with the School of Medicine. This course will explore ways in which social behavioral factors influence health. It is essential that future health care providers consider how the family structure, culture, and environment positively and negatively impacts the type of care a patient receives over the life course. Sign up for this course today! Student Spotlights Congratulations to Valeria Jimenez, Political Science HBS, who received the Undergraduate Diversity Scholars Award from the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)—the premier nonprofit research association! This award comes with funding to attend the ARNOVA Conference in Grand Rapids, MI next month and the opportunity to participate in workshops designated to support undergraduate students in further developing their professional goals and interests. Student Commuting and Calling all students! Want additional transportation options? The Sustainability Office is interested in understanding perceptions of electric bicycles as part of its mission to promote active and sustainable transportation. You can help guide future efforts by completing a short survey about your commuting habits and opinions and be entered in an opportunity drawing for prizes. Respond by November 5th. |
WEEK OF: october 23 - 27Internships Stange Real Estate is seeking a Marketing Intern to assist with and implement strategies to successfully outreach to potential clients in the community. To apply, contact your Internship Coordinator! Featured Events
November 2, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses SBS 2700-090: Career Exploration This doesn't have to be you! The college has a new course for careers starting Spring 2018 taught by Tom Quinn from the Sociology Department. This fully online course is designed for majors in the College of Social & Behavioral Science who are ready for hands-on career exploration and implementation. Students will engage via media with a range of professionals working currently in a variety of relevant social and behavioral science fields, while gaining practical skills in personal branding, resume and cover letter writing, interviewing and researching available jobs. Students in this course will develop and refine job search documents, connect with professionals in their prospective field, create a professional online presence, and develop an individualized job search strategy. Student Spotlights My name is Sarah Frederick and I’m a sophomore majoring in anthropology and minoring in business. I hope to graduate with my honors degree and go on to law school. I’ve known for a long time that CSBS was where I belonged – even before I figured out the right path for me! I have a passion both for working with people and learning about them, and I’m able to do both in this college. I currently serve as an ambassador within CSBS and could not be more grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given and the people that I’ve met. "As leaders of the University of Utah, we work daily to facilitate the intellectual development of all campus members and help our students, staff, and faculty reach for their professional goals. Over the past months, our campus—indeed our nation—has experienced several threats to our learning environment that challenge individuals' ability to thrive..." Keep reading. |
WEEK OF: october 16 - 20Internships Goldman Sachs Summer Analyst Internship applications are due November 10, 2017! For application assistance, or to learn more about gaining academic credit in conjunction with your internship, contact your Internship Coordinator. Featured Events
October 17, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses The Spring 2018 Semester Schedule is now online! The college has several generation 2 courses available to take. What is a generation 2 course you ask? It’s a course that has been taught online for years in some form and has now been updated. There is a consistent template to the homepage and modules. This course utilizes the full functions and tools of Canvas. They have recorded lectures, introductions from the instructor, a course overview, and weekly feedback. Some assignments may be multi-media based as well as group work and online discussions. ECON 1740-090: US Economic History Student Spotlights My name is Christopher Willis and I am a senior majoring in sociology with an emphasis in criminology. I am preparing to apply to law school and eventually work for the government as a prosecutor and administrative consultant. I am a transfer student from SLCC from which I received my Associate of Science in Criminal Justice. Transferring to the University of Utah was exceptionally smooth and I was able to fit comfortably in the sociology/criminology program. The education and opportunities provided by CSBS have exponentially increased my knowledge, my excitement, and my determination. I currently serve as an ambassador for this great college, the best part of which is getting to know and help other students navigate the many choices and issues they face and encouraging them to dream and to dream big! Upcoming Deadlines Look for the Helpers When he was young and would see terrible things in the news, Mr. Rogers said his mom would comfort him by saying, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” He added “I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world.” Become a helper with an organization from this list. |
WEEK OF: OCTOBER 2 - 9Internships Looking for a paid position? Interested in learning more about working with children in an innovative Early Childhood Development Program? Blessed Sacrament Catholic School is seeking part-time Teacher’s Aides and interns. Contact your Internship Coordinator for more information. Featured Events Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses FCS 3500-090: Financial Skills for Life Ever wondered about managing your personal finances? This course is for students interested in applying the concepts and tools of financial planning to their own life as well as those who wish to work with other people as a financial planning volunteer or professional. This course is also the foundation for a six-course sequence in financial planning offered through the Department of Family and Consumer Studies. This course is taught each semester. Student Spotlights My name is Carly Shields and I am a junior majoring in Human Development, emphasis in Child Life. I hope to become a pediatrician. Unlike many pre-med students, a major in the sciences wasn't the right fit for me. With my passion and interest in children and their development I found the perfect major for me in CSBS. My major gives me a unique perspective that will help make me a better pediatrician one day. Within CSBS I serve as a college ambassador and on the FCS Student Advisory Committee. This semester I received UROP funding to research Autism and experiences in the healthcare setting in the FCS department. Opportunity Apply for the Hinckley Journal of Politics Editorial Board. Help review, debate, and select the submissions to be published in the upcoming edition. Due October 8. |
WEEK OF: september 25 - 29Internships The University of Utah Reading Clinic is seeking student interns to serve as tutors and mentors to youths who experience difficulty learning to read in a regular classroom setting. Interns will receive certification in the Next Steps reading program, and can serve as a private tutor using the Next Steps method! Multiple locations are available. Ask your Internship Coordinator for more information. Featured Events Sociology and U Sept 27, 2017 Salon de la Resistance Sept 27, 2017 Body and Soul: The Persistence of the Human Sept 28, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses ANTH 1020: Human Origins: Evolution and Diversity Physical (also known as Biological) Anthropology is an exciting discipline that studies humans, and their closest living relatives, as biological beings living in cultural and natural settings. After this course, you will be able to answer questions regarding human origins, the relationship of humans to the rest of the animal kingdom, the origin, patterns, maintenance, and significance of human biological variation. You will also learn about the nature of heredity and how the environment has shaped many of our defining characteristics. The Spring 2018 course will feature new videos of monkeys from the Hogle Zoo. Student Spotlights Psychology During the summer of 2011, I served as an intern in Marketing and Outreach at University of Utah Health Plans (UUHP). Although I was really looking for an internship in the clinical psychology area. When I was offered the job at the University of Utah Health Plans I saw an opportunity to learn more about health. The field of study in which I am interested is health psychology, and this position provided me with the necessary experience that I want in my initial search for practices. Keep Reading. Upcoming Deadlines Beyond the Classroom The 5 Simple Steps to Financial Success Now Hear from Todd Romer, Young Money University founder, who will share five simple steps to financial success that will help you live a life that fits your dreams. Hosted by the Personal Money Management Center |
WEEK OF: september 18 -22Internships P3 Utah is seeking a Social Enterprise Development Intern for the fall semester. Immerse yourself in the field of social enterprise and gain hands-on experience working with private, nonprofit, and government stakeholders to make a difference! Click here to learn more, or schedule a meeting with your Internship Coordinator for more opportunities. Featured Events Sept 21, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Online Courses PSY 3400-090: Abnormal Behavior What constitutes “abnormal” human behavior? Find out what the multiple definitions are an how they have evolved over time. The primary focus of the course will be the nature of various forms of abnormal behavior, including the description of each disorder’s various signs and symptoms. Learn about this and more from Dr Strassberg’s course. You might learn a thing or two about your Aunt Sally. This course is taught each semester both online and face-to-face. Student Spotlights Economics Throughout my time studying in the College of Social and Behavioral Science, I have
had the opportunity to intern with various non-profit organizations. One of them is
with Voices for Utah Children, in which I was assigned to work on a report that analyzes public investment in Utah
children from FY2008 to FY2016. During my research, I had an opportunity to take a
closer look at many children budgets, such as K-12 education, food and nutrition,
juvenile justice, and income support. Department Spotlight Anthropology is the comparative, evolutionary and historical study of humankind. The Department of Anthropology takes a theoretically driven, empirically-informed approach to this study, and has special expertise in archaeology, genetics, behavioral ecology, demography, hunter-gatherers, and evolutionary approaches to human and nonhuman primate behavior. |
WEEK OF: september 11 - 15Internships Ready for an internship? Don't know where to start? Schedule a meeting with your Internship Coordinator! She can help you identify internships suited to your personal preferences and interests or program requirements. Online Courses PSY 3150-090: Sensation and Perception How do you perceive color, recognize faces, or navigate through a space? In this course you'll explore how we experience and understand the world around us.You will learn about properties of the environment, such as light and sound, that are necessary for sensation and perception and much more. This course is taught each semester. Featured Events
Sept 11, 2017 Keep informed of upcoming events here! Student Spotlights Erin Feeley In the CSBS message from the Dean, Dr. Cindy Berg refers to internships as a “transformative educational experience.” For me, this has certainly been the case. During my time at the U, I have had the opportunity to participate in several internships. During each experience, I learned to bring the skills and knowledge I learned in the classroom out into our communities... Keep reading Job Opportunity Utah Community Action is seeking applicants to work with their HEAT program which helps Utahns in need pay their heating bills during the winter. Part- and full-time positions available. Upcoming Deadlines |