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Faculty Feature - Jennifer Follstead Shah

Jennifer Follstead Shah

Dr. Jennifer Follstad Shah, an ecosystems ecologist and associate professor in the School of Environment, Society & Sustainability shared her recent research analyzing the decomposition of organic material in freshwater.

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Faculty Feature - Sara Grineski

Sara Grineski

Dr. Sara Grineski, lead author and professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies, shared her latest research demonstrating how wind-carried dust from the exposed bed of Great Salt Lake is disproportionately affecting disadvantaged communities in the Salt Lake metro area.

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Faculty Feature - Su Shin

Su Shin

Congratulations to Dr. Su Shin, director of Financial Planning and associate professor in the Department of Family and Consumer Studies, for her recent contributions to an article published in MarketWatch.

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Dr. Cynthia Berg Receives Rosenblatt Prize

Dr. Cynthia Berg

Cynthia Berg, a distinguished professor of psychology, and world-renowned business scholar Jay Barney are the 2024 recipients of the Rosenblatt Prize of Excellence in recognition of their years of impactful research and teaching at the University of Utah.

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University of Utah Undergraduates Shine at the Schuman Challenge

schuman challenge

A team of undergrad students from the U's Dept. of Political Science and David Eccles School of Business has secured second place at the prestigious Schuman Challenge, an annual academic competition sponsored by the EU delegation in Washington DC.

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Last Updated: 3/11/22