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Ted Tatos, with the University of Utah’s Department of Economics, joined us to talk about the recent Supreme Court case NCAA vs. Alston. This new case examines the relationship between the NCAA and its student athletes, a case that focuses on non monetary academic benefits.

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Juggling parenting, work and a pandemic not getting easier

Juggling work and Parenting

In the new Pew research, 6 in 10 women say they do more household chores than their partner and just 6% say the man does more. Those numbers don't line up when men are asked. Nearly half of men (46%) say they share tasks about equally, while 20% say they do more and just over a third credit their partner working harder on household chores.

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Gun rights advocates believe a Biden administration will have bad impact

Gun control

Professor Tim Chambless says, “One political party loses control of the executive branch, the White House, and a new party comes into power. This causes concern in the minds of many.” Forbes is reporting gun sales surged approaching Election Day, and ABC News says sales kept spiking afterward.

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Joe Biden is already facing an ally problem

Joe Biden giving a speech

What that means for the future of US and EU policy toward Venezuela is unclear. Laura Gamboa, an assistant professor at the University of Utah, said the differing view of Guaidó’s status clearly “weakens America’s ability to make the effort seem more multilateral,” even if Washington and Brussels share the same goal of kicking Maduro out of power.

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Romney's political clout just got a lot bigger with Democrats

Mitt Romney mask

“Romney is going to be an important player,” added James Curry, a political science professor at the University of Utah. But they and others say they don’t want to overstate that power, which they still see as limited and varying on each issue that may arise.

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Last Updated: 3/11/22