Faculty Spotlights
In December 2013, Smith received the American Psychosomatic Society's Patricia R. Barchas Award In Sociophysiology based on his "interesting and exciting work that helps to expand our knowledge of the interface of the social and physiological worlds." Click here to view Smith's faculty profile.
Click here to view Martinez's faculty profile.
On April 29th, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) announced the election of 84 new members in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Professor Polly Wiessner from our own Department of Anthropology was among this newest group of members. The election of Professor Wiessner brings the total number of NAS members currently in the Department of Anthropology to four. Professor Henry Harpending was elected in 1996, Professor Kristen Hawkes and Professor James O'Connell were elected in 2002 and 2006, respectively. Former NAS members from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Utah include the late Jesse Jennings, the late Julian Steward and Jeremy Sabloff (Santa Fe Institute). Established in 1863, National Academy of Sciences is a private organization of scientists and engineers dedicated to furthering science and using science for the general welfare of society. Click here to view Wiessner's faculty profile.
Lehman's previous Fulbright Scholar grants include one during 1994-1995 in Slovakia, and the other for 2002-2003 in Japan. Click here to view Lehman's faculty profile.