Jeremias Solari
BS Economics; BS Psychology; MS Economics
Assistant Director
Department of Workforce Services
Jeremias Solari graduated from the University of Utah in 2017, 2015, and 2012 with
a masters and bachelors in economics, and a bachelors in psychology. Jeremias immigrated
at the age of 10 to the United States from Argentina; profoundly impacting his perspective
on work, society, economics, and culture. His choice to pursue degrees in psychology
and economics was informed by his immigrant experience.
Jeremias is the assistant director, and chief of research for the Workforce Research
and Analysis Division where he oversees the Utah Data Research Center-the state of
Utah’s longitudinal data center-and a team of economists. As chief of research, Jeremias
helps the center in delivering world class research for the purpose of informing public
policy. In addition to his role at the Department of Workforce Services, Jeremias
is an adjunct professor of economics at the Salt Lake Community College, where he
enjoys teaching the future leaders of America