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Teaching Award Nomination

The Superior Teaching Award Committee solicits your nomination of a gifted teacher who has helped make your experience at the University meaningful. Your nominee must have a REGULAR FACULTY position in any one of the College's seven departments: Anthropology, Economics, Family & Consumer Studies, Geography, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology. In your supporting statement, please address the criteria that will guide the Award Committee's selection. Specifically, explain how the teacher demonstrates the following:

•   An ability to inspire students toward a love of

•   Concern for and a sincere interest in students

•   Mastery of the subject matter

•   Rigorous demands for student thought

•   Creative teaching skills and an ability to impart
      the subject matter successfully

•   A lasting impact on students

Please provide as much information as possible.

*indicates required field

I Nominate Professor*:

In the Department of*:

My reasons are*:

Optional Information:




How long have you studied with this professor?

I am a:


Printable Superior Teaching Award Nomination Form

Last Updated: 3/12/21