Charles R. Sensiba
BS Geography
Troutman Sanders LLP
Chuck Sensiba is a partner in the law firm of Troutman Sanders LLP, in Washington, DC. He provides strategic counsel and legal representation to public utility districts, state governmental entities, investor-owned utilities, water districts, independent power producers, and developers on the full spectrum of complex licensing, natural resources, and environmental issues related to hydropower development. With broad experience in matters under the Federal Power Act (FPA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act, National Historic Preservation Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act, and Coastal Zone Management Act, Sensiba represents clients before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), other federal and state regulatory agencies, Congress, and the U.S. Courts of Appeal.
Sensiba is a recognized national leader in the water power industry. He has significant experience in the range of energy and water projects across the United States, from some of the largest and complex hydroelectric projects licensed and regulated by FERC, to small water supply projects of just a few kilowatts. His litigation experience includes administrative litigation before FERC, as well as accompanying appellate litigation in numerous U.S. Courts of Appeal. On behalf of the hydroelectric industry, Sensiba has participated in preparing amici curie briefs before the U.S. Supreme Court. He frequently assists large coalitions of hydroelectric licensees in administrative rulemakings, adjudications, appellate litigation, and policy work before Congress on complex regulatory issues affecting water resources and hydropower.
Currently, Sensiba serves on the Board of Directors of the National Hydropower Association (NHA) and is Chair of NHA's Regulatory Affairs Committee. He is a past Chair of the American Bar Association's Hydro Committee in the Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, and is actively involved in the Northwest Hydroelectric Association and National Water Resources Association. Sensiba has published extensively on the topics of hydropower regulation, licensing, relicensing, and development, and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences throughout the United States. Sensiba graduated cum laude from the University of Utah in 1995 with a bachelor's degree from CSBS.